Region of Valencia

The Region of Valencia is located in the east of Spain. Its capital is Valencia, a city that grew next to the Mediterranean Sea.

*click the following locations

The Castle of Peñíscola

originally meant to guard the entrance to the town

Spain, the beautiful country of wine and songs.


The city of Valencia.

The history of Valencia revolves around its Muslim and Christian past, and the combination of both architectures, characteristic of its most important buildings, is proof of this. Because of its location in a border territory, it houses many old military buildings, such as castles and fortresses, with defense purposes.

Thanks to its relationship with the Mediterranean and to its Muslim heritage, Valencia was famous for the fabrics that arrived from the Far East. Moreover, they have always been great rice consumers, a product that definitely changed this region’s cuisine for the better.

Morella, a small village in the Region of Valencia.

The region’s most traditional food is —along with the Spanish omelet— our most international dish: paella. Actually, the name paella comes from the pan where the rice is cooked, and that’s what eventually gave name to the dish. Now, you can try paella at St. Vicent Cuisine without having to travel to Valencia!

Seafood paella.